Farewell, HSCL

The great revolving door of politics bids farewell to the health and social care levy.

Last April we prepared, tested, and launched calculators reflecting the implementation of the new HSCL, never dreaming that by 22nd September 2022 the government would announce its reversal and we’d need to undo all those updates! 

Having promised to update Gensen to reflect the unlamented demise of the HSCL, despite the government’s best efforts to stall us, we’re pleased to confirm that our Gensen customers will find that the HSCL has been removed; the calculations and assumptions have been updated and tested and as of 6 November 2022 it’s as if the HSCL had never existed!

Please feel free to provide any feedback. Or, if you have any questions about your current Gensen licence, require usage analytics or would like to discuss some of Gensen’s new features, please feel free to contact us.


Jeff’s take on the Autumn ‘22 budget


Fleet Tax Guide updated for the mini-budget - The Growth Plan summary.